Friday, October 23, 2009

Love your Library

I'm a reader, but on a budget, so I love my library. I get the "Please come back to us, we miss you" catalogues from the Book clubs I used to belong to. I pour over them and imagine if I had the money, which would I buy. I then go straight to my library's web site and put those books on hold.

You know they say don't judge a book by it's cover, boy is that right. Some books "look" promising, but then when you start reading, you find you're just not that in to them. If I buy the book, I feel obligated to slug through it, after all, I spent the money. Now that I think of it, I do that a lot with food, oh and people, (but that's a whole nother blog). Anyway, with the library, I don't feel bad dropping the book back off unread if it didn't appeal.

So this week while cruising through the shelves of my near by library at lunch, I came across Gladys Hunt's "Honey for a Woman's Heart"...growing your world through reading great books.

Here is a short excerpt..."I'm not a literary expert. I am a learner, like you. I've written this book because I believe we are word-blessed people and our stewardship of that gift is important...reading is not an excape from life; it's an exercies in living"

check it I mean really...go to your library and check it out.

Monday, October 19, 2009

This is my favorite orchid. I have a tattoo of it on my lower back. A word of advice on getting a very very sure you like what you picked and where you want to placed on your body...If I had it to do over again, I'd pick a different place, but love the tattoo.